Me: An ask and dare odd squad book! Where- Olympia: Where you can ask or dare any and all OS agents, present or past! Me: Yes, and- Otis: Yes, unfortunately, I will *sigh* participate in this. Me: And also- Todd: Why am I in this? I'm a gardener now! Me: Gardening tips? Anyways- Olive: Sorry we're late! *huff puff* Otto just HAD to stop at the bakery for cake. Otto: ...Sorry? Piece of cake? Me: Thanks, but- Ms. O: Well, what are you waiting for? Ask and dare! Me: What she said... I would just like to say that ThickSubset2037 gave me this story. It was originally hers, but she decided to give it to someone else, since she's not writing for it anymore. I hope you'll still enjoy it just as much. What she wrote was amazing. (: I'll try my best to update often, and I just hope that this awesome idea of hers can continue to soar. (: The description above is hers, and I thought it describes the book perfectly, so that why I kept it there.