The Quarterback...
By PwincessR11
  • Teen Fiction
  • boyxboy
  • california
  • college
  • deal
  • homophobe
  • lies
  • newyork
  • quarterback
  • secrets


Jack Nickels is 19, a second year college student with a excellent grade average, still has his better-than-the-rest looks, a likely career in music, an awesome crib by the beach and what seems like unlimited funds from his parents. But one night a year and a half ago his sister brought home her boyfriend, Reed Sparrow. The past year the two have struggled to be together. For Reed the love of your life finally loving you back felt like the best feeling in the world and that nothing would change and upset his happiness now. Until it was time for College and College come with bigger problems and harder issues. So when Reed feels his life is not going the way he wanted it to he vows to change it, but when your in a relationship with Jack Nickels, just know it’s very hard to say no…

The Quarterback's Gigolo: College [boyxboy] [1]

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The Quart...
by PwincessR11