My Wolf
By lostinWonders
  • Werewolf
  • werewolf


Bekah has had a troubled life. After the death of her parents her pack treated her like an omega. It's because they were scared. Scared of what she could do. When Deacon Haile offers to take her off their hands they gladly hand her over. His wife was a lot like Bekah - for they were the only two like this. Sadly, when a fire kills all but her and the alpha's son, Derreck, they're all each other has left - well, other than the comatose uncle, that's a year older than Derreck. So, when they hear their home town is being plagued by a monster...they're forced to return. Fortunately, Derreck was able to finish high school - sadly for Bekah, she wasn't so lucky. Oh, her problem? She's the only wolf whose eyes glow silver. Unfortunately no one knows exactly what that means anymore. _________________________________________________________ Trailer by the awesome and super fabulous @XxSwimmer_ChickxX

My Wolf

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My Wolf
by lostinWonders