Six Years Ago
By Gingergirl71999
  • Romance
  • college
  • heroine
  • illness
  • insomnia
  • love
  • mental
  • ocd


Sam is a talented, intelligent, broke , OCD ridden, almost 23-year-old with a horrid story of something that happened six long years ago. She's pretty closed off, and is perpetually exhausted due to some insomniatic tendencies, but her whole world is about to change on the one day a year that she opens herself up. Saying that Alex Sorenson is a free spirit is a hilarious understatement. Even though he's seen as a "Stuck up Math Major", damn the man can brighten up a room. One day, when he's on his own merry way to a Calculus lecture, a wandering, green eyed beauty catches his eye, in all her sad, brooding glory. He is immediately captivated, and all at the same time determined to introduce himself to her. Will Sam be able to open her heart to the one thing that she promised herself she never would? Will Alex be able to make his green eyed beauty forget what happened six years ago?

Preface - Routines

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Six Years...
by Gingergirl71999