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By Hufflepuffgirl1010
  • Short Story
  • adventure


So. Hey. It's been a while. I'm just going to say this outright: I wrote The Heir to Hufflepuff on a school computer, and over the summer I couldn't access the document I was writing it on. The start of the school year was super busy, and now that everything is winding down a bit, I have more time to do some writing. Don't expect big novels in this book, just quaint short stories I put in whenever I do have some time on my hands. If I can, I'll also start writing more chapters of The Heir to Hufflepuff if you guys are into it. I know with Net Neutrality going down in the states, and like, the millions of other things you guys could be doing, many of you may not read The Heir to Hufflepuff, and I understand if you don't. The first couple chapters were meant as an introductory, if you will. So you could get to meet and know all the characters and the dynamics between them, before the climax (which is coming soon). I'm no going to plug The Heir to Hufflepuff a lot, just for those who don't like Harry Potter Fanfics and everything, but just know that new chapters will come. So, if you wanna read some good poems and short stories, stay tuned.

The Bravest Girl on the Island

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by Hufflepuffgirl1010