I'll make this...
By romancefreak707
  • Romance
  • 18
  • desperate
  • good
  • read
  • real
  • romance
  • sad


I wake up from the sound of the booming alarm. I use my weak hungover strength over myself and hit the snooze. I do not want to get up. My insides are humming out of tune to my hunger. I open my eyes and look at the beat of the fan above my eyes. She screams. Again. My tired body pushes up from my comfort. I walk over to my beaten down drawers and grab and oversized t-shirt. Probably from one of many guys. I walk down the stairs hearing loud screams. It's weird how natural I can be in this house. "Morning Joe." The only words I will probably ever speak today. I am so tired. "Nice day isn't it" He says as we hear the witch scream. I smile at his comment. At least someone in the house has a sense of humor. I lost everything when he left. Most people say Joe is only here for the money. I think they're right. No one wants to be with my mother.


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by romancefreak707