The Illness.
By AshleyAnderson8
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Our minds are our tools for our greatest downfalls. The weapons it has can unwind ourselves from great people into insignificant little insects that humanity no longer wishes to see or hear. Sometimes our pasts are too much to over run, escape is but a failed dream, and we find ourselves in a place we cannot describe. Simon Henriksson is such a person, living his life out in Cawdor Mental Institution for the rest of his life. No fate, nor holy grace can get him out. But someone can get in, and somewhat a little bit too close for his liking. Her name, is Ivy Lauren Hunter and change follows her footsteps like a tiger to a hunt. No matter how much he wishes to deny it, it can be his only salvation from the pit he has dug for himself.

The Illness.

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The Illne...
by AshleyAnderson8