Shrek Part 2
By Shrekislove911
  • Humor
  • onionlivesmatter


So Funny story..My dia- FUCK I mean JOURNAL went public so now I've embraced it and are making blogs for all you fuckers who there who are obviously had some horrific thing that made them so fucked up in the past to they resorted to reading my blogs, but before I go on let's make one thing clear. I'm am absolutely WAAAAAAAAAAAY more Fucked up in the head than your gay son is gay. With that, I shall proceed. So, after my JOURNAL went public I got a lot of comments asking if I was dead, naturally, I responded to the people asking and said "No shrek just sent me on a mission to find you and bring you to him so he could have more people to sexually abuse." Those dumbasses believed me so now I have law suits filed up to my tits. I can't believe how stupid people can be. I mean, did they really think that I was going to find them, map their every move and kidnap them?! That's too much fucking work! Not to mention that Shrek is very picky about the age range of people he rapes. Meaning, he doesn't want to nasty cabbage smelling potato looking ass. He prefers the natural sent of ass. Which smells like shit. I,m guessing...I hope at least, but I'm not consciously thinking or awake half the time so who knows what's goes on I. Those hours of the day and night. That reminds me! So, while I have Been watching and documenting Shreks behavior I've come across something rather amaz-balls for lack of a better term, he is afraid of eggplants! Please don't ask me how I know this, I mean I would gladly tell you but I doubt you would want to know. But what I can tell you is that he is afraid of fat people.Like you. No lol I meant ur mom. OHHHHH BURN YOU WIT DOES moM JOKES BOIIIIIIIIIIIIII!! I really need to stop mixing crack into my orange juice. But this isn't about my crazy addiction it's about why shrek is afraid of eggplants and since I can't/don't want to tell you just go to the swamp with an eggplant and get sexually violated yourself! Now I'm going to leave. BYE FUCKWADS. lol

Shrek part 2

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Shrek Par...
by Shrekislove911