An Adventurer'...
By a_writers_destiny
  • Random
  • adventure
  • beasts
  • droor
  • guide
  • headworld
  • iim
  • monsters
  • species
  • survivalguide


In this book you will be introduced to each of my developed species, wildlife, and civilizations. Most will be in reference to my Headworlds, Ille Immensae Montibus and Droor although some will delve on other planets, universes, and worlds. Please check the information and images provided if you wish to possibly create one. If you DO NOT abide by my rules, you will be blacklisted and any creature you have made of mine will be returned to me. (Yes, I CAN do this. I have researched it for a very long time.) I have worked VERY hard on this info and will not take theft very lightly. AGE IS NOT AN EXCUSE. I hope you otherwise enjoy this little book and I encourage questions if you have them or any suggestions or ideas! I've tried my hardest to make everything as unique as possible- so any feedback is greatly appreciated!

Demon Hounds

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An Advent...
by a_writers_destiny