Are You Coming?
By PMS_Pigeon
  • Action
  • disturbingish
  • infected
  • survival
  • zombies


An infection has erupted all over the US, and 7 year old Roscoe Cerney struggles to survive on his own. " The man twirled awkwardly and lurched forwards, rotting arms reaching for my head. I screamed and fell backwards. Half his face was melting off his skull, his eyes gouged out, a mess of blood smearing his forehead and mouth. His black hair was matted with blood and clung to his scalp, merely a flap of skin barely clinging to his skull. I couldn't take my eyes off of his mouth. Foamy saliva and blood spilled out of his gaping jaw which hung by a rotting tendon, a gnarled tongue flicking in and out of his mouth. I scooted backwards and managed to jump up already running back towards home. I dashed inside and shut the door gently behind me. Almost immediately, I heard the thud of a body being flung against the closed door. I dove away and pressed my back against the wall, just under the window. Another thud followed, then another, and another. He was relentless"

Roscoe -To Kill

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Are You C...
by PMS_Pigeon