My Colorful Mate
By McKenzie2012
  • Werewolf
  • fantasy
  • teenfiction


“Alpha look out!” Alpha Riley yelled and I looked at what he looked so panicked over, a wolf was launching himself at me with his teeth barred aiming straight for my neck, just as soon as I had my gun raised an arrow came flying over my shoulder and hit the wolf right in the shoulder bringing the large gray wolf down. “How..” I started but I was at a loss of words. “Wolfs poison.” Alpha Riley said next to me with a smile on his face. Some of those stories you read in books aren’t so far off, Silver mixed with just enough Potassium will but any wolf down for a while. In large doses it even kills. “That’s my girl!” Alpha Riley yelled and I followed his gaze to see a girl jumping down from a tree with a bow and arrow in her hands. She was absolutely beautiful and for some odd reason she seemed so familiar. Her hair was a dark forest green color that was twisted into the famous messy bun on top of her heart shaped head. I thought it was an odd color choice considering you usually see every female sporting the blonde to porn star blonde hair. She was wearing a black crop top which showed her flat stomach and white denim shorts which flaunted her long tanned legs. It wasn’t until she turned her face towards us when I finally realized why she was so familiar to me. The angel in front of me was the same girl that had been haunting my dreams for months. I had finally found my mate and she was only a yard away from me. -------------------------------- 23 year old Landon Maxwell is the Alpha of the smallest pack in the US; The Clear Moon pack. After his parents led the pack to shame and being brutally murdered Landon is left to pick up the pieces. His pack is at war with one of the most blood thirsty, merciless, and mean packs of them all. The last thing Landon expected was the girl, his mate, that has been haunting his dreams to come swooping in to save the day. Its time for this unique Princess to save her Prince for a change.

My Colorful Mate

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My Colorf...
by McKenzie2012