The Girl Who Sees
By potatoing101
  • Werewolf
  • alpha
  • girl
  • human
  • independent
  • pack
  • rogue
  • seer
  • supernatural
  • werewolf
  • wolf


Celcile Rozlin -an otherwise average girl. The thing is she's a seer, the last one too. She knows what the future brings, but at the same time, she doesn't. She only receives visions and they are limited. She has no control over them at all, they come and go whenever they feel she needs it. But this time she has no idea what fate has in store for her. Apollo Baraek - He is the very definition of an alpha, he protects his members with his life. At least that was until they were all killed, and their alpha wasn't there to protect them. He knows that they have to be out there somewhere. He just he knows it, they have to be. But still, a wolf without a pack is just a rogue. seer1 sir/Submit noun 1. a person who is supposed to be able, through supernatural insight, to see what the future holds. synonyms: soothsayer, oracle, prophet(ess), augur, prognosticator, diviner, visionary, fortune teller, crystal gazer, clairvoyant, psychic, medium; literarysibyl

Chapter 1

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The Girl...
by potatoing101