Colored Hope
By mmiissttiicc
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  • realmc4life
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Humans.. they can't see color.. not anymore. It's the year 2035 and the Black Despair has taken over. The world has one leader now. Allen Taiken. Everyone else must listen to him and him alone. Otherwise, they will face the punishment. When the Black Despair took over, humans could no longer see color. They lost hope and happiness. All they feel is sadness and despair. That is until the Colored Hope formed. Allen had no idea of this. No one but the people involved did. The Colored Hope is formed of six parts. Each with one leader. There is Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, and Purple. When they found out they were leaders, they could see the color of their part. When they met the other leaders, they could see both colors and the colors that they mixed to create. There is one problem.. three of the leaders don't know about this. No one knows who the leaders are. They haven't found them. The Orange leader, Green leader, and Yellow leader are the only ones. They work together to find the Red, Blue, and Purple leaders. Can they find the Red, Blue, and Purple leaders and defeat the Black Despair? Or will they fall? {Note, This story is a Collab with @RealMC4Life. We both write chapters and we both worked together to write the prologue. That is why the writing style will seem different at times} ||Cover by @RoleplayGoddess||


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Colored H...
by mmiissttiicc