Severus and Hermion...
By PoeticBeauty7598
  • Fanfiction


Third book to Severus and Hermione. Hermione's cursed state is starting to worsen. Muggles are starting to die around her in the village not to far from the Burrow. She thinks that her friends could be in danger from Scarlett, but she doesn't know how to control it. Her friends don't know about Scarlett, only Severus did, but now he's gone. He left her to suffer through this alone and she scares that she'll kill someone else and Scarlett has her eyes set on little Ginny Weasley. Severus Snape is broken once again. He left Hermione last year for her own good, to keep her from going dark, but that doesn't stop the aching pain in his heart. He wants Hermione back, but he has to fight the impulses of his heart. He watches as Hermione recoils into herself more, which worries him more. He turns to Minerva for help, telling her to keep a watchful eye on Hermione. The killings are presumed to be the work of the escaped prisoner, Sirius Black, and Hermione wonders if she should run off with him in order to protect her friends. What will she do? Will she run off with the prisoner of Azkaban? Or stay broken hearted forever over Severus?

Severus and Hermione: Year Three

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Severus a...
by PoeticBeauty7598