From Soldiers Rifle...
By taro619
  • Action
  • death
  • dragon
  • explosion
  • fsrtdw
  • harbor
  • mystery
  • samolia
  • sci-fi
  • ship
  • war


Our government, our leaders, they tell us what is real, what we should believe in, what we should stand for. But I've learned that no one can be trusted. Ive seen the death of my friends, my family. I cant remember whats real and whats an illusion anymore. Ive learned that we, dragons created by our military, for our military are nothing less of tools. Used, and disposed when they grow old. These images, my father, mother. I can feel something pulling me. Speaking to me. Telling me to run and fight the ones who use us. But my mind is held by fear. A dragon, scared. Isn't that an ideal. My talons, my teeth, my wings, are all barred by those who want to use us for there betterment. No longer shall i stand for it! I am a dragon!!!! We, are the resistance!!!!

The Harbor

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From Sold...
by taro619