Persona 6
By percyjacksonfan9261
  • Fanfiction
  • akira
  • akiraxann
  • anntakamaki
  • descendants
  • persona5
  • ren


Akira "Kira" Amamiya is basically an orphan. Her parents died when she was young, along with her cousin (who's more like a brother), Inari Sakura's, mother. Her life is pretty normal, living with her grandfather and cousin, but when she discovers clues that lead her to discover that her parents aren't actually dead, just missing, she goes on a journey to find her parents and makes friends along the way. This is basically my continuation of the Persona series, using the name the protag had in the anime. This is a partial AU where some characters didn't die, because I can't imagine a couple characters dying. Also, Shido didn't get a change of heart in the game, bevause he's important to the plot. Hope you guys enjoy this!

Chapter 1: The Beginning of an Adventure

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Persona 6
by percyjacksonfan9261