Noblesse Fanfiction...
By FanfictionZwy
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~~NOT SO HIATUS~~ Hello! I'm Fanfiction Zwy, and I wanted to try to post my Fanfictions online!! Normally I just write them in my unusually large journal, but they aren't very long and I always start another story before finishing it. So, I'm, going to try to post it here, and I'm going to start with, *tada*, Noblesse!! Disclaimer, I do not own any of the....comic, I guess? Characters? Besides my own, of course. The point is, I'm the the original creator of Noblesse. I'm going to include my own characters in there, include romance, even boyfriend/girlfriend scenarios. (Yes, I do know there is a 'Boyfriend Scenario' for Noblesse already on Wattpad, but the thing is, from the grammatical errors and the unusually rushed flow of that story, I feel as if the writer is really young, and yes, they do still have a long way to go, and they can improve, but for now I'm going to do my own for those of you who can't stand grammatical/spelling errors.) I hope you enjoy!! ~Fanfiction Zwy


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by FanfictionZwy