The Sparks of Ice
By password2222
  • Action
  • action
  • althea
  • dragons
  • fighting
  • icedragons
  • siu


Flames surrounded me, only as a young child everything seemed much bigger than it was, everything scared me including my own shadow. Our houses being made of wood, everything was set aflame. I ran to the only place that made me feel safe, to the river where this burning red flower couldn't hurt me. I found a giant winged beast, and I wasn't sure if it would eat me or not but I got distracted by it's shiny skin, then it talked to me. "Such a young human child, what are you doing in a dragon's cave," This thing asked in a very normal voice. "Your pretty " I mumbled. "Your very cute yourself," The thing replied. --------- In this realm dragons are one of the very few beings that have magic, and the only ones to humans knowledge. It is uncommon for a dragon to take in a human child and teach them magic which has a term, the child is considered a dragon slayer since it can produce it's magic. In this realm humans hate dragons, they try to kill them but only get killed in return by the dragons magic.

Story Part One

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The Spark...
by password2222