The ones who took o...
By Mikeysgf
  • Fanfiction
  • jasonsmith
  • madisonalamia
  • mikeyfusco
  • nickmara
  • tobeone
  • tobeonefanfiction
  • tobeonemusic


Tobeone boyz Jason and Madison date fans Ciara and emily, go to a party, fall in love again with fans.The boyz ask two of their fans to be in there new music video but then everything goes wrong. Sierra and Kaitlyn, switch schools so they can be closer to where they're to film the video,but Kaitlyn and mad stop talking. Madison has a secret hid from his new girlfriend,Kaitlyn. Mikey broke his girlfriends heart, Sierra. Sierra begins to date someone else, but gets taken away from a mysterious person, he who shall not be named =D...problems evolve and they have to work them out. horrible description its my frist fan fic, it isn't that good but yeah... check out the fan fic, "A perfect life" by ICONicBabes

The ones who took our breaths away

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The ones...
by Mikeysgf