The Darkness In Him...
By X_AngelWithAShotgun
  • Mystery / Thriller
  • horror
  • kidnapped
  • love
  • murderer
  • romance
  • thriller


She saw the attractive man who had empty eyes in the park earlier on that day. Perhaps she noticed him because of those eyes. But other than his cold expression he had been like every other person walking through the shortcut to the main high street of the town. She was sat on the bench she sat on everyday with her bag next to her as she waited for her friend. And so for her this was any day. Whatever drew her to look up- chance maybe- she didn't know, but she caught his eye for a second. She turned away. His pace slowed for a moment, but then he continued on, briefcase in hand. It was as though he hadn't really paid much attention to her at all. And she forgot about him. But he didn't forget about her. That look was all it took for him to decide. She was the one.... the one who he was going to take for his own. And she didn't see him coming this time. But neither of them had planned for it to go this way. Who would change the other more?

Chapter One- Just A Look

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The Darkn...
by X_AngelWithAShotgun