Reflection | YOONMIN
By taekookiesncream
  • Fanfiction
  • boyxboy
  • bts
  • btsfanfic
  • btsjimin
  • btskpop
  • btsships
  • btssuga
  • btsyoongi
  • btsyoonmin
  • fanfiction
  • jimin
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  • kpop
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  • minyoongi
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  • parkjimin
  • parkjiminbts
  • yoongi
  • yoongibts
  • yoongixjimin
  • yoonmin
  • yoonminbts
  • yoonminfanfic
  • yoonminfanfiction


"Have you ever looked in the mirror and had gotten sick to your stomach because you hate the reflection staring back at you? Imagine feeling like that every time you looked in the mirror. How can anyone love me when I don't even love myself?" _______________________________________ Yoongi and Jimin have never spoken to each other until their professor paired them up to do an assignment together. Jimin was the quiet kid. He never really spoke to anyone and didn't have that many friends. Yoongi was the complete opposite, a relaxed, social butterfly. Both of the boys wanted to get the assignment done and that be the end of it. However, it wasn't that simple. Working on the assignment together forced the boys to become close, which blossomed into a friendship. As they get closer they learn more about each other than they ever thought they would, one of them bearing a sad and potentially fatal secret. TRIGGER WARNINGS: - Mature content - Potential triggering/upsetting scenes - Mental Illness/eating disorder - Strong language - Sexual content (boyxboy) - Emotionally distressing/sensitive scenes and topics


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by taekookiesncream