Mary Book 2 sequel...
By panad4_love
  • Fantasy
  • action
  • adventure
  • assassin
  • fanfic
  • sciencefiction


Everything in her life has changed forever. She lost her grandmother, she discovered her mother was alive but she killed her for endangering the world. She experienced relationship but also break ups. Now shes a new person understanding the world alot more. Mary is no longer bloody mary just mary. now she has to settle down in the real world keep eye on things in Stark Industries since her father is busy with his own happiness but what happens when someone from their past comes biting tony stark in the ass. Will Mary have to accept Tony decisions from his past and try to fix it or will the Dark Mary will come out and join forces. Who knows only Mary can tell you that or will she??

Mary Book 2 sequel to B.M.

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Mary Book...
by panad4_love