Daughter of Ra {Ard...
By mel-mel95
  • Fanfiction
  • 18plus
  • ardethbayxoc
  • demigoddaughterofra
  • egyptiangods
  • egyptianmythology
  • historical
  • romance
  • supernatural
  • themummy
  • themummyreturns


Akhenatem or Atem is the only god child of Ra, that is directly associated with Ra at all times. She is not a typical goddess. She wasn't born from the procreation of Ra and another god, but from her father's own power. She is his Protector and his favorite child, which did not sit well with any of the godly children of Ra. She has all his powers, but none of his possessiveness. Her seven siblings don't like her and often torment her. After Isis sent Ra back to the heavens, she unleased trap after trap on Atem which made Atem leave the company of the gods, in favor of the mortals. But because she is born of Ra's power, she also inherited his Immortality, So, she won't age, and because of her skills as a warrior she's very good at protecting herself. Living among the mortals she swore to serve Seti the first, and any ruler to follow but situations forced her to leave, mostly for the safety of those she cared about and because of the heartbreak of failing her king again. *** Atem is back, though she is confused and worried. He return means that the creature is alive again, and in need of being put down. But that's not all. The books are gone and she is locked in a sarcophagus, she knows it's this instead of the pure darkness of Hamunaptra because she can feel the heat of the sun even at night and through the lid of the coffin she's in. She needs to get out. And as quickly as possible. --- Disclaimer: I don't own the original characters just Akhenatem.


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by mel-mel95