My Obra Days - Swee...
By W_Kris
  • Humor
  • audacity
  • childhood
  • family
  • fiction
  • friendship
  • humor
  • india
  • lol
  • naughtiness
  • teen
  • thriller


In simple words, this book is a collection of short stories that can make you laugh. However, there's more to my perception of this book. Can you relate to splurging a whole book on wattpad and then find characters of the book floating around in your head? This is the book to pick up next, read a chapter, just one. Can you relate to the environment of a family quality time with some people sharing the best experiences of life, and you just enjoy it and tell that story over and over again to the best of your friends? This is the book to pick up the next, read a chapter, just one. Doing something important? Need a break? And wattpad is one safe haven of recreation? but don't wanna get too caught up (like we usually do in all those amazingly intriguing stories out there)? This is the book to pick up next, read a chapter, just one. Whatever your mood is, I can bet you'll find a need for this book. Just stock it in your wattpad library even if you don't use wattpad all that often. P.s. The only regret I have about reading this book, I read all in one go! So, take my advice and read a chapter, just one. ~Someone who had the pleasure of reading this book before you all. Highest rank - Thriller #92


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My Obra D...
by W_Kris