Chrysanthemum Acade...
By QueenMaymayB
  • Fantasy
  • chrysanthemum
  • chrysanthine


Legend says that this Academy was build because of a chrysanthemum flower. A chrysanthemum flower made with gem which only blooms every once in a blue moon. The one who is chosen by the flower every once in a blue moon inherits the power of the universe. She/He has everything. She/He can control everything. She/He will be very powerful. Both life and destruction will that person bring. But if one person touches the flower on a blue moon and a petal falls, she/he will inherit half of the universe's power. Chrysanthemum Academy was build to train children starting at the age of 15, in order to teach them on how to control their power. Everyone in the Chrysanthemum realm has powers but only one gets to be chosen in inheriting all of the universe's power. On the day before the blue moon. The prophecy was revealed. 'A child is to be born' 'As chaos will rise' b 'The child needed to be protected' 'Should be protected' 'For the chrysanthemum to be safe' 'Lying on the child's heart' The Queen of Sapphire Kingdom who married the King of Emerald Kingdom, their daughter who is going to be born is the chosen one. Upon knowing they needed to protect the child in order to save it against the Garnettix the people of Garnet Kingdom, the kingdom of the dark red power mages. Upon this another prophecy was told. 'Blood to be spilled' 'Lives to spill' 'The child must live for all to be well' 'Needed to be protected' 'And never to be harmed'


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by QueenMaymayB