In Love With My Bes...
By JamStardust
  • Fanfiction
  • digitizedpixels
  • feelbadpat
  • gallantgaming
  • galzeth
  • mrbomberman
  • nebneb
  • xdarzethx
  • xdarzethxxgallantgaming


says in the title 7w7 Darzeth and Gallant have been best friends for a very long time. Darzeth and Gallant were finishing a recording for the fnaf channel and Gallant heard his and Darzeth's friends talking. NebNeb,Feel Bad Pat,DigitizedPixels,and MrBomberMan. They were talking about how good Gallant and Darzeth played for 'The Funtime Curse' . They were saying how Gallant acted. As he was played Freddy. Freddy was supposed to be in a curse of being in love with another Funtime. Which was Foxy. Foxy was played by Darzeth. "Gallant did good at being a yandere to Darzeth," said NebNeb. "What's a Yandere?" asked Pat. "What! You don't know what's a Yandere?!" Yelled Digi. "No?..." said Pat. "A Yandere is a person that's do anything for their Senpai," Said NebNeb. "And?" asked Pat. "If They love their Senpai so much,They would even kill for their lover,Even if the Senpai doesn't love them or know them," Said Digi. "Oh! ok I understand," said Pat. 'Love?! But I don't love Darzeth...but how was I that good? Unless...' Thought Gallant. 'I love him...' Thought two males who were listening to their friends. 'I'm in love with my best friend,'


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In Love W...
by JamStardust