By Joydom29
  • Science Fiction
  • adventure
  • caged
  • experiments
  • freedom
  • mystery
  • science


White was given to an organization right after she was born, she was a mutant of her own kind, she was known as 72. Growing up from that place until she was five, she never knew anything else except for avoid the needles, avoid the people in white coats and to stay strong. The day she turned five though, was the day everything changed. One kind guard set her free, she felt like a bird, she felt like she could fly and soar through the sky, to forget everything that happened in her past. She did for a while, but of course everything caught up to her. A year passed and White still remembered everything. From the smallest detail of the day. She was only six, on that day, exactly a year after she was able to escape from the Border, the only person that cared for her was killed, she was caught. She was back in bars, and the words that the guard told her still echoed in her mind. "Stay safe, stay alive," her life rules. And the years fly by, and still nothing happened. She was still trapped, caught, tamed. Caught in the act.... Tamed to fight.... Freed from her cage....

Prologue: Trapped

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by Joydom29