The Dementions Mast...
By Random_Cake753
  • Fanfiction
  • book2
  • dimentio
  • lessthanheros
  • luigi
  • mario
  • reader


(Ok I feel like I need an explanation as to why I don't plan to add Fawful into this for the time being. All I'm going to say is I don't think I'll be able to keep consistent with his speech pattern. I might add him one day. That day is sadly not today.) After the whole thing with Bowser, (Y/N), Seri and Leah don't plan to have anything to do with that kind of stuff again and plan to leave the heroing to the Heros. Even if they don't want to be the heros of the story, that doesn't mean they won't get dragged into a similar, yet much more dangerous situation. When Dimentio comes back, they can't help but tag along, as Mario and Luigi are going to need all the help they can get. Otherwise, it's game over.

Just another day

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The Demen...
by Random_Cake753