The Elementals : Th...
By Theelementalarchive
  • Fantasy
  • action
  • adventure
  • air
  • dark
  • earth
  • elemental
  • fantasy
  • fire
  • hero
  • light
  • warriors
  • water
  • wattys2020


Okay, so here's how it all began. Basically, teenagers have been vanishing across the country and no one has the foggiest idea what's going on (myself included). But at the end of the day I've got bigger things to worry about, such as the eternal hell that is the last day of high school and my psychopathic chemistry teacher. I've got enough going on in my life to be worrying about something I can't do anything about. Famous last words Nick. Suddenly I find myself being dragged into a world I apparently belong to and there's a war going on. The light and the dark are scrabbling for control and everything is hanging by a thread. And I'm stuck in the middle of it. So with the help of a few new friends, some new enemies, beasts, monsters and superpowered teenagers, I'm somehow going to navigate this mad new world and hopefully get out on the other side with all my limbs still intact. As I always say, it all goes downhill from chemistry. •1st place Fruit Awards Adventure Category. •1st place Sunshine Awards Fantasy Category. •1st place Book Awards Action •Best Plot Book Awards •Best Main Character Book Awards Incredible cover done by the amazing @bibliophile_cap on Fiverr! *Please be aware that this story does require editing*

Before the Storm

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The Eleme...
by Theelementalarchive