New Girl
By Riley_Marks
  • Teen Fiction
  • chynoweth
  • dancer
  • fiction
  • girl
  • jade
  • romance


I'm Desiree, I'm the new girl... sort of. I'm from this town, from this state. But after middle school I moved away with my parents to San Diego, which isn't far from where I did live in Los Angeles, which also mean I can still go to my dance classes and see my friends at the studio since either way it would be an hour drive to it. We only moved away for my Father's new job. But now we've moved back to LA because he lost that job and my grandparents are supporting us. Sad, I know. But here's the point. I have danced all my life but at school I was a total nerd, and not just academically, but I looked the part too in my non-stylish loose clothes and larges glasses. And yes the people I knew did judge a book by its cover. I mean I didn't have a sight problem I just wore the glasses like a security blanket. But in the studio I was so comfortable to be myself with no glasses and in just tight clothes and a sports bra etc. But now I'm back and I don't need that old style for a security anymore. (There will be multiple POV throughout this story but mainly from Desiree and a little more than others from Bates: Aka school's hot guy) This is a straight girl story unlike my other two. Rank #59 in Dancer

Chapter 1: Who I was

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New Girl
by Riley_Marks