Spirit Animals Vol...
By XXrogueXlucyXX
  • Fantasy
  • action
  • adventure
  • alternateuniverse
  • animals
  • animalworld
  • badassreads
  • bear
  • bitofromance
  • dystopian
  • fox
  • mate
  • rise
  • spirit
  • strength
  • tiger
  • villainsarepeopletoo
  • wattys2019
  • wolf


In a world where your strength is judged by your spirit animal there are three animals that were cast out. The bear who was made of strength, the fox made of speed and the wolf speed and strength. Silver is a wolf, cast out and forced to live in the wilderness or risk her being hunted. She met Quinn, a polar bear who despite their differences defended each other. The two bonded and promised to protect each other. But their peaceful world ended when three bears showed up at their camp offering them a chance to rise against the ones who casted them out. To take what was once theirs. And Quinn and Silver are given the chance to rise to take the world they wanted. But everything comes at a cost and it all goes back to their spirit animals. Vol. 1 Cover by: yoonymi

|Chp. 1: A dive in water|

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Spirit An...
by XXrogueXlucyXX