A Dream About A Boy
By RayaMiu2020
  • Romance
  • death
  • dream
  • murder
  • mystery
  • romantic
  • suspense


Sarah is in love with Steven. But doesn't know she is dreaming about all of this. But when she wakes up everything becomes a reality and some things really surprise Sarah in the end. Some things she doesn't know is going to happen and they will be major obstacles in her life. Especially because of the Journal that her Aunt gave her before dying and Sarah doesn't know what to do with it. After Sarah wakes up her life takes an unsuspected turn when people in her town start dying. Sarah and Steven for several years trying to figure out why people are dying in there town. Now she has to worry about the Journal and make sure no one else knows about it besides's her and the person closest to her.

A New Friend

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A Dream A...
by RayaMiu2020