Tutor and Tutee (ve...
By AlexisRobberts_AR
  • Romance
  • boyxboy
  • bxb
  • fiction
  • gay
  • highschool
  • homosexual
  • jock
  • lgbt
  • lgbtq
  • malexmale
  • nerd
  • queer
  • romance


Tutor and Tutee - A love story between two childhood friends. A nerd and a jock. Jone Davis was your normal anti-social nerd. He was quiet and had no friends. Though, no one picked on him. Everyone just avoided talking to him since he was known to be awkward with others. He has another secret. And that secret was that he was gay. Students had their suspicions since he was caught staring at one of the most popular jocks in school, Nate Anderson. But whenever someone asked him if he liked the jock in his class, he denied and acted confused. However, he had liked Nate for quite some time. They had been childhood friends, but it seemed that Nate doesn't seem to remember the lonely boy as whenever they make eye contact, Nate just raise a brow as if asking Jone why he was looking at him. Jone hoped that Nate would remember him. And it was as if some God had answered him. The principal of Denvous High declared that all students in the school shall be paired up and be assigned as one another's tutor and tutee. What's better was that Jone didn't have a choice to choose as his partner was selected by his homeroom teacher, Mrs. Vandelmen. His partner was the person he had hoped for. Now, he just wanted Nate to be his friend again.


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Tutor and...
by AlexisRobberts_AR