By ElfenLore
  • Science Fiction
  • adoption
  • angels
  • break
  • death
  • demons
  • fear
  • happyness
  • heart
  • human
  • love
  • sadness
  • space


Once upon a time, far far in the future, Humankind is not the only life form alive in the universe. In fact, they weren’t even the first. The Aellyni race was a brilliant scientific race that experimented with their DNA and created offspring colonies. Earth was experiment 179. But when they come to earth to check up on their experiment in 3007, they got a nasty surprise. War. The Great Cosmos War demolished all of the continents save for Australia and western U.S. as well as many Aellyni spaceships. Humans were afraid of the intelligent race that looked and communicated like them. So they abandoned their home planet in the First Human Exodus, setting up colonies of their own in different solar systems. Aellyni-Human relations between the two governments were hostile. The Aellyni wanted to absorb the Human race into their empire but the Humans wanted to be independent. Then there was the Second Cosmos War, unlike the first war, the Humans were prepared. Humans almost wiped out the Aellyni. However, a minority of Aellyni escaped prosecution and blended in the Humans. The offsprings between Aellyni and Humans were mutations that looked like Humans but had strange physical characteristics and powers. Mericle is a teenage orphan, she grows up in the slums of Swyncrest, Earth. Somehow, the authorities find out that she’s a half-blood, half Aellyni, half Human. So she’s sent to a training center before the ETournament, the government’s sick idea of half-blood population control. Somehow, Mericle has to rank in the top ten or its game over for her. But then again, this isn’t exactly a fairy tale.


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by ElfenLore