Falling Hard
By passwordforgotten_2
  • Random
  • exs
  • fallinginlove
  • lies
  • love
  • marriages


"I don't do marriages and I definitely don't do wives so I stick to my routines you stick to yours understood" "Yes" she mumbled softly as he stormed off Sapphire Montgomery is the typical rich girl although she has every thing she needs she wants someone to love her for her, her father saw that His daughter was unhappy he tried everything in his power to make his daughter happy but to no avail nothing works. his wife would have known what to do but she'd died when Sapphire was 5 years old .Having lost all hope for his daughters happy as a father he decided to through caution to the wind and have his daughter enter into an arranged marriage. Having been understanding of her fathers perspective she did not refuse having been tired of being used by persons that say they love her. However she was shocked when she found out she was engaged to the infamous Enrique Martinez the guy thats only wants one night stands. What happens when they start to like each other? Or is it that Enrique is falling madly in love with her? Will Enrique acknowledge his feelings for her or will he ignore his feelings for Sapphire? Will Sapphire ever find love Join these two on a crazy endless love track as they board the train to only God knows where as they involve themselves in an love triangle large enough to fit the Titanic

Chapter 1

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Falling H...
by passwordforgotten_2