The Pack Doctor
By stargazeth
  • Werewolf
  • alpha
  • bestfriends
  • disease
  • love
  • luna
  • mate
  • mates
  • pack
  • packdoctor
  • vampire
  • werewolf
  • wolf


Genevieve Wesley is the new and ruthless female Alpha of Quirentine Pack, and she has just discovered she is mated to Daniel Brown. The surprise is evident as he is merely a pack doctor, not necessarily of enough power to keep up with Genevieve, but they immediately hit it off, as mates should. However, their happiness comes to an end rather shortly as a disease designed to kill werewolves is rearing it's ugly head through Quirentine Pack, killing off wolves one by one. In addition to this set back, Genevieve finds a secret about Daniel that she didn't know before and it may just be the downfall to their relationship. With the threat of the disease, other supernatural beings lurking in every corner, and the mutual dislike for each other, Genevieve has to learn that power isn't everything, Daniel has to learn the ways of a warrior and the five noble traits of one, and each has to put their differences aside to protect their pack and everything they've worked for.

00 [Of Author's Note and Coooool Sunglasses]

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The Pack...
by stargazeth