Jackson has a young...
By ceceforever15
  • Fanfiction
  • exoxreader
  • got7
  • sehun


Wang Parent's had a 3rd child when she was a month old her dad took her to The U.S to have a different lifestyle. Mrs. Wang kept this secret for 19 year's without Jackson or the oldest knowing the father is Mexican/Chinese so he took Bella Anahi Wang to the U.S. Mrs. Wang comes to visit and gives the news to Jackson how will he react? Mr. Wang has told Bella that she had older siblings but now year 2018 they'll finally meet. Jackson is famous and Bella is a professional baseball player for Los Angeles Dodgers ? Will they get along? Mr.Wang would go and visit them at hong kong but without Bella shes doesn't speak the mother tongue of sweet home hong kong she's speaks several like Jackson. Bella speaks English, Spanish, Portuguese, Thailand and other's no korean

I have a sister

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Jackson h...
by ceceforever15