The Remembrance
By masterofnone31415
  • Short Story
  • growingup
  • memories
  • sepia
  • shortstory
  • thoughts


What happens when you wish to break out of the chains and run far away? Can you find the courage to give up all that you have for only the hope that you might gain something far more important? This is just a vague story. Maybe it achieves a purpose, maybe it doesn't. Maybe the purpose of the story is to not have a purpose at all. Maybe it isn't even a story, but a assemblage of thoughts from a deep abyss somewhere in me. (Sorry my thoughts are always all over the place...maybe I can't give them a shape, so don't be worried if you don't get it. Critics are invited to give their reviews, but please refrain from using words that might discourage me. Though I will try to see it as constructive criticism, but utilizing bad language is not welcome. I wrote this when I was 14, and I just wanted to put it out there to see what it may mean to people. Thanks to all the great souls who chose to read this short story. I may not guarantee that you will take something from here, but I can assure you that you are leaving something behind :) )

The Remembrance

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The Remem...
by masterofnone31415