New Jerk-sey [FRER...
By PanicAtTheWarpedTour
  • Fanfiction
  • daddy
  • frankiero
  • frankxgerard
  • frerard
  • gay
  • gerardway
  • gerardxfrank
  • liampayne
  • mcr
  • mychemicalromance
  • newjersey


This story takes place in the year 1986 in a drug infested New Jersey. Frank Iero is a successful buissness man. Named one of the most wealthy man in the U.S by Forbes Magazine. But just like people say DON'T. JUDGE. A. BOOK. BY. IT'S. COVER. Or in Frank's case, don't judge a pretty rich boy by his jewels. Gerard Way is a well known artist in the underground bands scene. As much as he wants to play in stadiums and get 15 year old girls to write wierd fanfiction stories about him, none of that is going to happen. As long as he has his alchocolsim he's not going anywhere. He's not very wealthy. He was named "the guy you should never lend money to" by everyone who's ever crossed paths with him. How will these two ever meet? What do they have anything to do with each other? Find out on "New Jerk-sey" !!!! *throws confetti*

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New Jerk...
by PanicAtTheWarpedTour