The Never Ending Ad...
By Badlightning
  • Adventure
  • action
  • adventure
  • confusing
  • cutsie
  • fantasy
  • fun
  • goofy
  • illogical
  • magic
  • mature
  • odd
  • pointless
  • quirky
  • random
  • weird


Have you ever wanted something that you've never been able to have? Here it is! These are the never ending adventures of a couple of adventurorerures who just can't seem to help themselves when it comes to finding something to do. When they get bored they go do whatever they want. How? Who knows!?!?!? This is going to be a massive plot mash up of everything running into itself because there doesn't need to be logic in this story, this story doesn't need to make sense because it's not just a story. It's a bunch of stories and they're all gonna collide into one big orgy of nonsense. Think of Seinfeld or Rick and Morty, maybe even think of about how butterflies are an alien species and not originally from earth and they simply wish to live peacefully amongst us idiotic earthlings. Have fun with this! This is NOT for the serious folk, although I do write some serious work and if you do enjoy that go take a look at some other stuff I have on here.

Chapter 1 - The Oofmiser

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The Never...
by Badlightning