When arrogant playboy high school student Aiden meets Annabeth, a mysterious studious but outgoing and popular girl in a South Korean high school, he discovers a side of himself that he never realised existed in him. However, as soon as he starts putting the idea of having a serious relationship in his mind, he discovers a horrifying truth: Annabeth had never thought about romance before, much less dating a boy, except for her beloved Jungkook from BTS*. How will Aiden plant the seeds of romance in the mind of Annabeth, fight back against his original chaotic side while exploring his newfound side, and cope with the different difficult circumstances that reality is putting forward, threatening to almost certainly destroy any chance of them having a relationship in the first place? And how much of himself is he willing to sacrifice in that process? A new chapter each Friday and Saturday! *Extra: This story contains many K-Pop References, so prepare to fangirl along with the fangirls as you read along here ;)