I look around my room before grabbing a smaller eraser and chucking it. "Ow what the fuck!" I gasp "Oops..." I feel my cheeks warm a little from embarrassment and straighten up. "The projects due tomorrow!" I throw my arms around in panic. He looks at me as if waiting for my point which was already given. I frown and chuck another eraser at his head. "Ow! Bad Kitty!" He rubs this forhead. I chuck another one. "Don't call me that!" "Kitty stop it!" "Then you stop!" "Ow!" I smile with satisfaction from winning, what I won I don't know but it felt great! "Ok Kitty if you throw own more God damn eraser at me I will come over there!" I frown and drop my arm that I was holding a green eraser with. I did not want Alec over here again! I glare at the now smiling boy. "Now have you done anything for the project?" He frowns making his eyebrows knit together. "No." Seriously?! "ALEC ITS DUE TOMORROW!" He starts to laugh. Laugh! He is fucking laughing at me! "I'm kidding I'm kidding! I think I did like half of it..." I glare at him as my cheeks get hot. "Ugh why do you have to be so annoying!" I chuck the green eraser in my hand at his head and watch as it bounces off of his now glaring face. My mouth makes and 'O' shape ask he slowly smirks at me. "I warned you..." He starts climbing out of his window and jumping down before starting to climb the garden wall next to mine. Shit! Shit! Shiiiit! I slam my window shut and lock it just as his head makes its appearance in the window. "Open it." "No." "Now." "No!" "Kitty." He glares at me. "No stop it!" I climb into my bed and hide under the covers in an attempt to make him go away. "" He warned. "Nooo!" I whine burrowing into the covers even more. "Fine then..." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~