Ty and bay from swi...
By VictoriaCrocker
  • Romance
  • children
  • romance
  • switchedatbirth
  • tvshow
  • tyandbay


Okay everyone loves Ty and bay deep down they are the best couple. I personally don't like bay and Emmett nor do I like bay and Travis ( especially bay and travis). This is going to be about after he gets back from working in the military and goes to look for bay . Travis and bay broke up because Travis found his ex on his trip and they connected so bay has been very sad. She really misses Ty and really wants him back. What happens between them? Do they get back together? Do they stay together? Does he keep going to the army or does he stay? Does something happen that makes him stay? Does one of bays exs get jealous . Read to find out what happens.

He came back

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Ty and ba...
by VictoriaCrocker