The Reputation Rede...
By TessaRuan
  • Romance
  • -friendship
  • billionairs
  • ceo
  • contracts
  • love
  • marriage
  • money
  • romance
  • romance-friendship
  • womanizer


Flora Williams assumed the rest of her life would be pretty simple. Working the morning shift at Tessa's, walking around the city trying to find the newest book store, and then going back to Tessa's for an evening shift, occasionally adding in a new man to wake up next to for a night or two. Maybe she might even finish a draft of her book. This plan was going just about perfectly too, until a certain Jacob Owen's turned up at her door. Jacob Owens was a famous businessman with more money than reason, and he often frequented at Tessa's which was still no reason to go to Flora's house at 9 AM on a Sunday. The situation was this; Jacob was sitting at Tessa's one night with his father Samuel who was the CEO of the company Jacob was soon to inherit. The only thing between Jacob and the title of CEO was his reputation as a womanizer. Samuel said he would give him the company under one condition; he marry Flora Williams. Jacob is desperate to get Flora to marry him, even if it involves more than love to win persuade her.

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The Reput...
by TessaRuan