The Colorful Arcoba...
By Potato_chicks23
  • Action
  • adventure
  • anime
  • arcobaleno
  • famiglia
  • fight
  • gang
  • gangster
  • katekyohitmanreborn
  • lilia
  • love
  • mystery
  • oc
  • pastandfuture
  • reborn
  • vongola


This story is from Katekyo Hitman Reborn. Two Maiden. The Daughter of 1st Vongola and The Colorful Arcobaleno. Have same Body,Mind, and Heart but only one person can live. Who will save? Who will Live? and Who will Die? Two Maiden live a peaceful in there life. No one notice them until the Time come. The Time in Ring Conflict of Vongola. The Daughter of 1st Vongola the one who have a same skill like her Father. But she can't use her power so long. She can but she didn't know that her Father is the 1st Vongola Boss. She know is her Mother Face and Voice of her Mother. The Colorful Arcobaleno. She just know about the curse of Arcobaleno but she didn't know about her real life. She know all about the Hitman. All about the other Arcobaleno. She can see the sign about future but the exchange of that. She will Die if she will not care in her moves. She's the one that take care the Daughter of 1st Vongola Boss. Both have same age because of the Curse but trutly the Daughter of 1st Vongola is just 15 and The Arcobaleno age is unknown. Both of them fell inlove in Guy. Try to live and love a person that love them too. But the curse that lend on them is the Big Problem that why they can't love and live a long life in world. How they Survive and who's the Guys that love them and they love them too?

Chin-Chin Past

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The Color...
by Potato_chicks23