Mad World
By itsericaungos
  • Romance
  • artista
  • drama
  • forsythe
  • madworld
  • model
  • shay


Shay Michelle is every woman wanted to be, every woman looked up to. Not because she came from a wealthy family but because she also make her own money, made her own name by working her ass off. She's the totally "you only lived once" type of girl. Shay Michelle is a famous canadian-filipino international model and she loves to travel into different kinds of places, she loves books and she loves drinking coffee. And she loves camera, she loves attention. Forsythe came from a family who loves business and managing business. They're the family who is a monster in the business said by the people. But Forsythe is the only one in the family who doesn't like business. Since he was a kid, he really wanted to be a Doctor someday. He felt left out especially that he's the only Doctor in their family. At first, his Dad didn't like the idea that his oldest son wanted to be a Doctor and not a businessman like him but sooner or later they finally accept his profession and became more proud at him knowing that he owned many hospitals in the country that never leave the ranking as the number one trusted private hospital in the country.

Mad World

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Mad World
by itsericaungos