Together We Stand (...
By lennyfromtheblock
  • Romance
  • highschool
  • sterek
  • stilesxallison
  • teachersassistant
  • teenwolf


Allison Argent had a philosophy on how not to get hurt, it was not to show weakness. She had friends from all over the place, but then again she didn't really want to get too close and attach. Growing up with a workaholic father in a house too big for just the both of them she learned how to be happy on her own she didn't need anyone. She could conquer the world on her own! Or so she tried to convince herself that. She'd do anything to be on her own, if that means going off to college then she'll work her ass off to make it there. On the other hand.... Mieczyslaw Stilinski had it all, well everything except the money. He was a family man, being that he was the eldest out of three kids with parents who needed to work to keep the roof over their head from leaking. Stiles couldn't necessarily get a job that requires him to be out past 4pm cause then "who'd watch your siblings". Mrs. Stilinski begs Stiles to just work on getting his degree and watching Malia and Liam, says that her and Stile's father will worry about the money. But times have gotten harder and money isn't getting easier to earn. So when Stile's psychology professor posted a flyer on being a teacher assistant at a local high school, he had to take it. *At the moment the title is temporary so expect it to change. *

Excuse Me

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by lennyfromtheblock