The Life of a Lion...
By NeoLioness
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This story is about a lion girl's life and her struggles. If you like longer chapters, then this may as well be for you as long as this description looks interesting.. *I stormed up into my room and slammed the door. I then sat down onto my bed and grabbed my diary. I began to write in my diary for half an hour straight, almost ripping the pages from writing so hard. I honestly felt a bit misunderstood in the mansion.. 'You're selfish', 'You don't care about other people feel'.. Like, when will they understand? I sure do love to be the only lion in the house, but there has been some downsides. Since there is not another lion in the house.. Well.. Some lions don't mind sharing their feelings with other people. And then, once they tell their feelings, at least some of the people in the mansion will understand. But NOW, no one understand. Grrrr-eat. That's not my biggest problem right now, anyways.. I've got much more to deal with in this mansion of literally two - hundred cat people.*


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The Life...
by NeoLioness