Dare to love
By darkprincessisinlove
  • Romance
  • family
  • friendship
  • happiness
  • hate
  • hatred
  • kajalaggarwal
  • love
  • nagachaitanya
  • past
  • ranadaggubabti
  • revenge
  • romance
  • samantharuthprabhu
  • vijaydeverakonda


The act of caring and giving to someone else...having someone's best interest and well-being as a priority in your life. What happens when Arohi is full of life, enjoys every little moment. For her family, she is the sunshine and happiness and always depends on her. Arohi aims to be the best Wedding Planner and makes sure "the once in a lifetime moment" aka marriage happens to everyone beautifully. She believes in Happy Endings. While Arohi enjoys life, there is this guy Arjun who hates life. Being six foot 3 inches makes him look deadly and terrifying. He is lonely and has hatred for god. Being the CEO for AayKa isn't easy. He hates being the CEO. He wants to follow his own passion, but only works as CEO for one person he truly loves. What happens when these two collide? What happens when the tornado meets the sunshine? What happens when these two souls understand each other? What happens when these two fall for each other? Will people hate them? Will fate let them be or makes a twist to turn their life upside down?

Introduction :)

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Dare to l...
by darkprincessisinlove