Fire and Ice || a L...
By ihaveanarmy
  • Fanfiction
  • avengers
  • completed
  • loki
  • love
  • natasharomanoff
  • romance
  • spiderman
  • steverogers
  • thor
  • tonystark


Amber Stark. Just a normal girl with an abnormal obsession with Norse Mythology. On her 18th birthday, her world is turned around when she finds out she is a crucial part of an ancient prophecy. Her role? She is the Norse goddess of fire, able to control the element. The prophecy depicts her saving the world. The only flaw? She does it with Loki Laufeyson, her family's mortal enemy. Amber is conflicted; does she betray her family and allow Loki to teach her how to fully control her magic, saving the world? Or does she deny the prophecy, ignoring Loki and ignoring her powers, but allowing the world to come to an end? Put them together, and you get Fire and Ice.

Fire and Ice || a Loki fanfiction - 1

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Fire and...
by ihaveanarmy